Всеевропейский конкурс

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From: Lily Poberezhskaya < lily.poberezhskaya@bbc.co.uk >

Subject: young enviro journalists competition in Paris

Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 12:43:36 -0000

Dear colleagues, Please find attached some important information about a young enviro TV journalists competition in Paris next year. If it is of not much use to you, can you please pass it on to other individuals or organisations that might be interested, especially schools of journalism at your local universities? With best wishes, <Paris competition covering letter.doc> <msdEmail.doc> Lily Poberezhskaya Senior Producer BBC World Service Trust (formerly BBC MPM) Room 622 NE Bush House PO Box 76 Strand London WC2B 4PH UK Tel:+44(0)171-557 1430 Fax: +44(0)171 379 1622 Email: lily.poberezhskaya@bbc.co.uk

Уважаемые коллеги!

Мы с большим удовлетворением вспоминаем сотрудничество с вами в рамках только что завершившегося проекта Тасис < Повышение информированности населения о проблемах окружающей среды >. Благодаря контактам, которые завязались у нас по ходу проекта, мы, совместно с нашими французскими коллегами из Европейского университета проблем окружающей среды (Париж), можем предоставить вашим студентам возможность принять участие во всеевропейском конкурсе и тренинге для молодых тележурналистов-экологов.

Заявка на участие в конкурсе прилагается к этому письму в формате Word.doc. Конкурс состоится в Париже в мае 2000 года, а тренинг для победителей - в сентябре того же года в городе Брест на западе Франции. По условиям конкурса, в нем могут принять участие студенты факультетов журналистики или начинающие тележурналисты со стажем работы до полутора лет. Би-Би-Си МПМ безвозмездно помогает организаторам конкурса распространить о нем информацию, однако мы не являемся официальными партнерами в этом проекте, поэтому убедительно просим вас обращаться с любыми вопросами по поводу конкурса к Европейскому Институту проблем окружающей среды на английском или французском языках. Надеемся, что перспектива участия в этом международном конкурсе покажется вам привлекательной. Желаем успеха! С уважением, Тим Граут-Смит, Лилия Побережская, Фонд Всемирной службы Би-Би-Си (в прошлом Би-Би-Си МПМ).

2nd Edition of the European audio-visual news report competition for young journalists

"Sustainable development in the news"


In the framework of its "Media and Sustainable Development" programme, the European University on Environment and its partners have launched the second edition of the European young journalists audio-visual news report competition (the Sustainable Development in the News

Award) on the theme Health and the Environment.

1.1 - Objectives

- To raise awareness among future news professionals of the importance of the environmental


- To encourage and develop new journalistic skills in handling everyday TV news topics from the

perspective of sustainable development,

- To show that there is a place for this new approach in daily news reporting.

1.2 - Who can participate?

Participation is open to students of journalism schools and young journalists (who have been

working for less than 18 months) from the member countries of the European Union, Switzerland,

Norway and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

They can participate as individuals or as representantives of their journalism school / media.

1.3 - The Theme of the 1999-2000 edition

The general theme for the 1999-2000 Sustainable Development in the News competition is


It will be a matter of handling news subjects and/or leading new investigations related to this theme, in the form of a news report produced within Europe (or, if desired outside Europe).

Reports that employ an original approach to the theme Health and the Environment which go

beyond the medical and ecological dimensions to include the economic and socio-political aspects of the subject will be marked highly.

1.4 - Selection criteria of the news reports

Besides the previous recommendations, the criteria that will be taken into account for the pre-

selection of the news reports, (as well as for the selection of the competition winners), will be the


- the relevance of the manner of treating the information to the principles of sustainable

development*; consideration of the ecological, economic and social demands; the links between

the local and global levels; expression of solidarity with future generations,

- the capacity to raise the awareness of the public and relate to its concerns,

- journalistic and technical qualities.

*Sustainable development was first defined in the 1987 Brundtland Report as:-

Development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

1. World Commission on Environment and Development. Our Common Future. New York, Oxford University Press, 1987.

2. United Nations Environment Programme. Global Environment Outlook 2000. 1999, 398 p.

3. European Environment Agency. Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century. 1999.

1.5 - Length of news reports There are two categories according to the length of the reports:

- Category 1 : less than 2'30"

- Category 2 : between 5'-8'


There are two stages to the competition.

2.1- The pre-selection stage

The candidates must produce a written account of their project (in French or in English) to be sent (on PC disk or by e-mail) to the European University on Environment.

N.B. : Each European school of journalism participating can be represented by several individuals and/or teams. The written project must include the following elements : -

- a description of the proposed news report (no more than one page), defining the subject to be

treated, what it will show and key production details (premises, contacts, organisation

resources), the length selected (less than 2'30, between 5'-8'),

- a short list of points (no more than 1/2 page) on the interest of the report with respect to the

objectives and criteria of the competition,

- the identity of the producers,

- the coordinates (address, telephone, fax and e-mail) of the school they represent.

N.B : In the case where a project is selected, the European University on Environment reserve the right to use the document as it sees fit for the duration of the programme "The media and sustainable development" with acknowledgement given to the authors.

The projects received will be examined by a Selection Committee drawn from the partners of the

"Media and Sustainable Development" programme which will select 20 entries to be produced.

- fifteen projects will be selected in the first category (less than 2'30),

- five projects in the second category (between 5'- 8')


All applicants will be informed of the result of their application.

2.2- The final stage

The news reports chosen by the Selection Committee will receive production expenses to a

maximum level of 500 EUROS and their authors will be invited (transport and accomodation costs

included) to the official projection preview in May 2000 in Paris. The conditions of this production

support, as well as the technical and legal conditions of the production and the broad-casting of the reports will be fixed by agreement between the European University on Environment and the author of the project (or their school).

Production of the news reports

The reports must be produced in Beta format.

They can be produced in any language but two versions have to be sent to the organizers :

- an original version (language chosen by the candidates)

- a version dubbed entirely either in French or in English (the version must be dubbed and not

subtitled, interviews included).

The reports must come with a written version of the commentary and the interviews in French or in English (on PC disk or by e-mail).


Projection of the news reports and selection of the winners by the jury

The official screening of the news reports in the presence of their authors and the selection of the

competition winners by the jury will take place in Paris, in May 2000 (exact date to be precised).

The competition jury, composed of 5 to 8 high-level people drawn from the world of media and

sustainable development will designate :

- the three best news reports in Category 1 (less than 2'30''),

- the best news report in Category (between 5' and 8').


The winners' will see their news reports broadcast :

- by European television stations,

- by multimedia,

- at European festivals.

They will be awarded with a prize of :-

1000 EUROS for the winner in Category 1 (less than 2'30")

500 EUROS for the two runners-up

1000 EUROS for the winner in Category 2 (5'-8').


European Commission

French Ministry of the Environment and Regions

ADEME - French Agency of the Environment and Energy Management

EPE - Businesses for the Environment

IFEJ - International Federation of Environmental Journalists

Fondation Journalistes en Europe

France Tйlйvision

Tйlйvision Ouest France

Televisio de Catalunya

National Swedish Television

Sьddeutsche Zeitung

Le Monde

Courrier International

Centre d'Estudis D'Informacio Ambiental

Friends of the Earth Europe

Cold Center


Monique MARC - Douglas McMILLAN

Universitй Europйenne de l'Environnement

6 rue de Chantilly, 75009 Paris - France

Tel : +33 1 45 26 46 25 - Fax : +33 1 42 81 25 78 - E-mail : uee@wanadoo.fr

Internet : www.uee.org

Universitй Europйenne de l'Environnement - European University on Environment

Mйdias et dйveloppement durable - The Media and sustainable development - 1999/2000


Dmitry A. Ruschin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the International

Department. MASS MEDIA CENTER. School of Journalism. St.Petersburg State

University. Room 606. 1-ya Liniya V.O., Dom 26. St.Petersburg. 199034. RUSSIA.

Tel./Fax: (7-812) 323-00-67, 321-01-72. E-mail: ruschin@DR2709.spb.edu

--------------- * ENWL-info *-----------

Ecological North-West Line * St.Petersburg, Russia

E-mail: enwl-inf@spb.org.ru


Serghiy M. Fedorynchyk <fedoryn@grworld.freenet.kiev.ua>,

Director of Zeleny Svit Informational Centre,

Ukrainian Environmental Association "Zeleny Svit" (Green World)

Post address: post box 449, Kyiv-1, 252001, Ukraine;

Phone (380-44) 456-3435, fax 456-3435 (connected manually on request