Rebirth of crymky, tazy, saluki in Ukraine

Sergiy Kopylets'

First part of my life I worked in the Central Asia in the Southern Kazakhstan, where I meet this wonderful race of dogs comming from the Middl East salukis which are practically the same race. Now in Kazakhstan there left not big quantity of dogs of pure breed. The race is on the verge of disappearence.

In 1995 after the breakdown of the USSR I reterned to my Fatherland to Kyiv and brought here two tazies.
In the historical past this race was also spreading in Ukraina and is an ancestor East European races of hounds.
I cherish hopes for reviving this race in my Fatherland. At present in Ukraina there is some quantity of such dogs, which mostly have been brought from different regions of Kazakhstan. My article "Crymky" which was wrote, is acquainting for my compatriots. At present I work upon its translation into English. So you will be abble to read it. Additionally I can give you information about the tazy, the state of race and about hunting with tazy.
At present time in Ukraina there are not bad conditions for hunting with hounds. I had occations to hunt with my dogs in Kyiv environs. Mostly on hares, where my dogs gave a good account of themselves.


#1. In a good company:
Mykola Rud' - the main editor
of our magazine "Naturalist",
tazy familly, Sergiy Kopylets'









#2. Cheetah - care mummy
with her babies.










#3. Akkus - the babies Father








#4. Cheetah with her youth age









#5. Cheetah with her Mother
Jungaria, unfortunately the late





#6. Jungaria - the best of tazy,
I've ever met.






#7. Jungaria,


I hope for cooperation and information exchange.
I'll be glad to be useful for revivel of this race.

© Ukrainian magazine "Naturalist"