Sir Terence Clark
lived for many years in the Arab world, where he learnt to hunt
1. Sir Terence Clark & Salukis
These are: Najma, who was born among
the Al Murra nomads in Saudi Arabia;
her daughter Thalooth Al-Thalaatha,
who won last December the Millennium Cup
for the Champion Coursing Saluki;
and her grand-daughter, Filfil Al-Hamra.
2. Slipper and Salukis
(photographed by S. Walsh)
Thalooth Al-Thalaatha (red collar)
against her brother Thani Al-Ithnain
(white collar).
3. Salukis coursing the hare
(photograph by S.Walsh)
Thalooth Al-Thalaatha
and Thani al-Ithnain
coursing the blue hare
in Scotland.